I installed linux on a flash drive. Just some awful one i got from staples years ago. it worked though and it's very cool. i'm writing this now to procrastinate on my german homework. i really need to get that done. i'm two weeks behind (don't worry, only on one kind of homework. i've kept up with the others). i really want to add to this site, but i rarely get new ideas (except the big one, but i can't say what that is). i think i'm going to add a tab so people can view older updates (without going to the actual location of the files with the text in them, of course). i've been so down lately. it's probably because i can't sleep and because i'm not eating and because my hormones are off by a bit (though thank you to for keeping them less off). either way i've been depressed. i think i'll get better soon though. i'm doing something today. yesturday i only got out of bed to take a shower and eat dinner. i played some minecraft too (i found some cherry blossoms! i had been looking for like 6 hours). twitter has been terrible. that's also probably why i'm feeling so bad. the "raping trans women isn't as bad" discourse came back two weeks ago and ever since then i've felt sick looking at twitter. but i do it anyways. i hate men. my glasses broke, but i bought some more. right now i look silly, with these lopsided glasses. maybe i'll add a picture of them. but the new glasses are questionable. i suspect they won't get my prescription right because they don't advertise prism lenses at all (though they do say they offer them in a q&a sort of page). also because the company sells these frames for $15, so they're bound to be kind of awful. i'll at least be able to wear them though. the current ones dig into my skull right next to where my jaw connects because the arm is at an angle. it gives me a headache. My broken glasses: A picture of my broken glasses