it's late but the goal here is to talk about digital subjectivity. all software which accepts user input creates a world. because computers are tasked with manipulating and presenting information, the world created by any software will always be a mode of displaying information. when we use software, we are given a body. how the software processes user input --- and sometimes how we are read out to other users --- is this body. for example: you have several digital organs at this time. you can scroll, close out of this tab, reload, etc. beyond that your operating system provides further organs. all expression within the web is effected through a body of some sort. it is like dancing or speaking or striking some pose. there is a lot that i wish i could remember to point out here. but it is late. people like me are drawn to digital worlds because of the bodies they give us. these bodies often allow for better control. it is much easier to be graceful on the web. these bodies can also be gendered however we choose, most of the time. these bodies can also be destroyed or constricted --- this is that horrible feeling when a tool breaks or a button moves. as we inhabit these bodies we recieve stimuli through them (the sense organs are determined by the software) and our thoughts string these stimuli into a coherent world, just like off the computer. but the world flowing past is what generates movement in the mind. and these digital worlds generate another movement. as such, our subjectivity is significantly altered by inhabiting these bodies. digital subjectivity is always fragile and always manipulated. i would not say that any subjectivity is unmanipulated, but the digital specifically is manipulated in simple ways that were decided upon by humans. as such one's desire is easily captured by those who decide these sorts of things. much of the web does not want you to exist. your physical body is valuable, in so far as any control over it can mean capital generation. but the digital is always costing someone and rarely creating capital. ads seek to control one's physical body, often. the digital is instead a disgusting excess. it is the overhead. it's destruction is a cost-saving measure. so you can do less and less with your computer and on the web. thus the tech world is oriented towards the slow destruction of your interacting with the digital. this destruction would have a positive result: the viewer. digital subjectivity unembodied. pure experience of nothing. this thing that we are all becoming quickly exits the screen. the world becomes less and less comprehensible. we feel that we've lost something, but can't place it. we cease to be but not to experience. in everyday life we feel we are not people, or things.